- Dictionary.com
- A Web of On-Line Dictionaries
- Linked to over 500 dictionaries of over 140 languages
- Bartleby Library
- Bartlett's Familiar Quotations and more.
- Common Errors in English
- Forvo
- All the words in the world. Pronounced (except for "smaragdine" -- a shade of green).
- Free Thesaurus
- Free Thesaurus is a comprehensive online thesaurus of synonyms, antonyms, and related words. The thesaurus contains more than 145,800 unique entries from three top sources.
- HowJSay.com
- A talking dictionary of English Pronunciation.
- Merriam Webster Online
- OneLook Dictionary Search
- A search engine for words and phrases.
- OneLook Reverse Dictionary
- Don't know the definition? Enter the concept and get back a list of words.
- Online Etymology Dictionary
- This is a map of the wheel-ruts of modern English. Etymologies are not definitions; they're explanations of what our words meant and how they sounded 600 or 2,000 years ago.
- Thesaurus.com
- Wordsmyth: The Educational Dictionary – Thesaurus
- Wordnik
- An ongoing project devoted to discovering all the words and everything about them.
- Word Spy
- Devoted to lexpionage, the sleuthing of new words and phrases.
- World Wide Words
- Outstanding site, discussing the origin and meaning of words.
This page was last updated November 12, 2016.