by David Sisler

The defense says confessed child killer Susan Smith was crazy when she strapped Michael and Alex into their car seats and watched as the car, and her sons, disappeared into John D. Long Lake.

The prosecution says the defense is teaching Susan Smith how to be crazy.

If Susan Smith is found not guilty by reason of insanity, many people will say she got away with murder.

Regardless of the outcome of that case, I submit for your consideration, four legal ways to kill your children. Not a court in this land will convict you. You won't even be arrested.

In the first three months of your child's life, after he or she has been conceived, but before you get to hold your newborn in your arms, you can get away with murder by a method called "D&C." During the dilation and curettage method of abortion, a woman's uterus is cleaned out by scraping it with a metal blade. A new and improved method of murder pulls the fetal child to pieces and vacuums him out of the womb with a narrow gauge plastic tube.

After the first trimester, the fetus can be killed by injecting a highly concentrated salt solution into the womb. The woman can feel her child thrashing for an hour or so until it dies. Natural labor sets in to expel the dead child, sometimes 24 hours later.

To abort a larger baby, a procedure called dilation and evacuation (D&E), has been developed. The woman visits the doctor several days before the procedure to have natural-fiber rods inserted in the mouth of the womb to slowly open it. When she returns for the procedure she is usually placed under general anesthesia.

The doctor then reaches into the womb with forceps and by brute force pries off pieces of the child. Like a bloody jigsaw puzzle, the pieces are then reassembled on a table nearby. When the puzzle is complete, the procedure is over.

Another proven way to get away with murder.

And then, again, maybe not. Abortionists find this last process emotionally grueling. At one clinic specializing in D&E abortions, 8 of 15 staff members reported emotional problems, finding it "destructive and violent."

Because of the danger to the mother, a new procedure avoids uterine damage. In dilation and extraction (D&X) the living fetus is delivered feet first, up to the head. A tube is then inserted into the base of the skull and the brains are suctioned out, killing the child.

The doctor who presented this technique at an abortionists' convention said that he had done over 700 of these procedures and was pleased with the results. One doctor was using the technique up through the ninth month of pregnancy.

Writing in Christianity Today, Frederica Mathewes-Green chronicles the story of Becky, a woman who chose abortion because of pressure from her family and friends.

Becky's mother said, "If you continue this pregnancy, you can't live in my house."

Becky said, "I felt like all of my friends were saying, 'I'll be there for you--if you have the abortion.'"

Pro-abortionists like to be called pro-choice. Lose your child or lose your home. That is not much of a choice.

Mrs. Mathewes-Green interviewed women in Los Angeles, Washington, D.C., and Boston. She found a surprising theme: in nearly every case, perceived obligations to another person was the reason for abortion.

"The predictable barriers of housing, jobs, and money faded rapidly in significance when these women were faced with a loved one's disapproving frown," she writes. "They needed personal support and encouragement more than any material aid."

One often repeated cry, from both sides of the abortion debate is, "No woman wants to have an abortion." If women, 4400 of them each day, are doing something they do not want to do, something is tragically wrong. A pregnant woman needs another choice. One that she can live with. One that her baby can live with. One way or another, no one really gets away with murder.


Published in the Augusta Chronicle 3/11/95

Copyright 1995 by David Sisler

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