by David Sisler
On December 1, the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova voted for a new president. The 101 elected members of the nation's legislative body met to consider two candidates, Vladimir Voronin, put forth by the Communist Party, and Pavel Barbalat, an independent and the chairman of the Constitutional Court. Sixty-one votes were necessary to win. Voronin received 48 votes, Barbalat 37 votes, and 15 votes were invalid. Parliament voted again on December 4, and Voronin gained two votes. The third try was December 6 with Voronin's lead increasing to 59-35. A fourth round will occur on December 21 and 24. Many feel that the current president, Petru Lucinschi, is manipulating the situation in order to dissolve the Parliament.
With more than 40 lawsuits in various courts, the American presidential election likewise drags on. The man who has no controlling legal authority and a weak bladder brought on by an overdose of iced tea added to his continuing list of defeats when a judge with guts, principle, and a deep understanding of the law, told him that his most recent lawsuit was frivolous.
"There is no credible evidence and no other confident substantial evidence" to show that Mr. Gore won the election, Judge N. Sanders Sauls said. "The court further finds and concludes the evidence does not establish any illegality, dishonesty, gross negligence, improper influence, coercion or fraud in the balloting and counting processes."
This election is certainly "one for the history books." The elevation to the bishopric of Saint Chad of Lichfield, Apostle of Mercia, is another.
In the mid 7th century, tension existed in the Church. Chad, and his brother Cedd, became caught up in the struggle. In 659, according to Father Athanasios Ledwich, a monk named Wilfrid was appointed bishop, but never actually assumed the office. Instead, he moved to Paris for two years. Chad was selected to fill the empty position and did so until 666 when Wilifrid returned and demanded that the office be returned to him. Chad's response was that "he had never felt himself worthy of ordination and he was more than happy to return to life as a simple monk." In 669 Chad was appointed bishop in his own right and served in that position until his death in 672.
This is most definitely not a call for George W. Bush to emulate the example of Saint Chad. Chad did not win an election. If Bush had lost the election, it would have been honorable for him to have offered his concession and congratulations to the victor. Honorable men do honorable things. But he did not lose. All the votes were counted twice and he won both times. A hand recount of selected votes confirmed the first two machine counts. George W. Bush should be inaugurated as the 43rd president of the United States. Our nation does not need the turmoil of four more years with a moral climate, a moral example, similar to the last eight years.
Prosperity has become our deity, and as the Bible says, the Lord God Almighty cannot be served in harness with money. In the process of saying, "Well, the economy is great," we have, as a nation, lost our anchor. When Al Gore said he found no controlling legal authority, he was speaking for himself as he attempted to slither away from the consequences of his actions. But he was also pronouncing the unrighteous twist of our nation. Doctors legally kill their patients. Unborn babies are murdered. Immorality is touted as morality. Smut dominates the airwaves. Righteousness is scorned. Holiness is mocked.
In recent days more than one commentator has said, "The wisdom of Solomon is needed here." Well, in his most famous book, Proverbs, what did Solomon say?
"Where there is no divine revelation, no vision of God, the nation casts off all restraint" (Proverbs 29:18).
"When a country is rebellious, in revolt nationally, morally, and religiously, it has many rulers, but a man of understanding and knowledge maintains order, and the state shall be prolonged" (Proverbs 28:2).
The Feast of Saint Chad is celebrated on March 2, but the prayer for that day needs to be prayed today. "Almighty God, whose servant Chad, for the peace of the Church, relinquished cheerfully the honors that had been thrust upon him, only to be rewarded with equal responsibility: Keep us, we pray Thee, from thinking of ourselves more highly than we ought to think, and ready at all times to step aside for others, that the cause of Christ may be advanced and thy blessed kingdom enlarged; in the name of Him who washed His disciples' feet, even Jesus Christ our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen."
Published in The Augusta Chronicle 12/9/2000
Copyright 2000 by David Sisler. All Rights Reserved.
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