by David Sisler
Has it ever occurred to you, the first developed science was astronomy? Why did man study first that which was farthest away? Next he studied geology. That was the earth, closer to home, but still impersonal. Biology became the next discipline, but that is still investigation at arm's length.
It is only within the last century we have started to look inside. Psychology, the study of the inside of our minds and emotions, is a very young discipline. It is easier to deal with the stars – they are far away and impersonal. It is much more difficult to deal with ourselves – that is up close and personal. Too close, and often too personal.
The Psalmist David did not understand anatomy. That science was quite unknown to him. And yet he had seen enough to give him great reverence for the One who had created him. Who could look at the human body and not feel a sense of awe and admiration for God, the Creator?
With an insight only the Holy Spirit could have given him, David looked into his mother's womb. What he saw caused him to rejoice at the power of God creating life.
David said, "You made my whole being. You formed me in my mother's body. I praise you because you made me in an amazing and wonderful way. You saw my bones being formed as I took shape in my mother's body. When I was being put together there, you saw my body as it was formed" (Psalm 139:13-16).
William MacDonald wrote: "In a speck of watery material smaller than the dot over an 'i,' all the future characteristics of a child are programmed – the color of his skin, eyes and hair, the shape of his facial features, the natural abilities he will have. All that the child will be physically and mentally is contained in germ form in that fertilized egg. From it will develop 60 trillion cells, 100 thousand miles of nerve fiber, 60 thousand miles of vessels carrying blood around the body, 250 bones, to say nothing of joints, ligaments and muscles."
David rejoiced because God knew him from the very moment his life began. He understood that the essential materials of his being were in full view of God at the same time they were hidden from the eyes of everyone else. It was like a craftsman embroidering a beautiful tapestry. It is no wonder David said, "I am fearfully and wonderfully made."
David understood, God could see inside of his mother's body and watch him as he developed. God could also see inside of David and know his every thought. God knows our motives. He sees much that displeases him and much that he directs us to change.
It may embarrass us to know that he knows some particular thought, but to try to hide from such knowledge would mean our spirits would never completely develop. When we awaken to our need of his cleansing we will be very glad he is still with us. It will give us confidence "that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus."
Jeremiah walked by the potter's house one day and watched as the craftsman placed a lump of clay on the wheel. No doubt Jeremiah admired the progress of the work. He watched fascinated as the man spun the wheel with his feet, and with his hands fashioned a useful vessel.
All at once the potter stopped the spinning wheel. He looked closely at his creation, and with a frown, crushed it back into a lump of clay. He sprinkled some water on the clay, rolled it into a firm lump and started over.
God spoke to Jeremiah's heart and said, "Can I not do with you as this potter does?"
The Apostle Paul said, "We have this treasure in earthen vessels." With precious thoughts, God, who intends us to be vessels of honor, says, "I'm still molding you. Be patient. I'm not finished. Not yet!"
Copyright 2002 by David Sisler. All Rights Reserved.
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