by David Sisler
Question: What does the drug RU-486 and Susan Smith have in common?
Answer: Both are proven baby killers.
There the similarity ends, because one is about to approved for continued murder by the FDA and the other is behind bars, convicted of murdering her two sons.
October 25, 1994 was the day Susan Smith strapped her two sons, Michael, just two weeks past his third birthday, and Alex, only fourteen months old, into her 1990 burgundy Mazda Protege, released the hand brake, and watched as the car rolled into John D. Long Lake, bobbed briefly like a cork and then sank beneath the waves. Nine days later, she confessed to the murder of her children, distraught because her boyfriend, a married man, told her "nice girls do not sleep with married men."
Submerged automobiles are not an acceptable means of family planning. Thanks to Roussel Uclaf, a German drug producer, the Population Council, a New York-based non-profit organization that promotes family planning (a euphemism for murder by abortion), Danco Laboratories LLC, (the Population Council's for-profit partner), the Clinton Administration, and the Food and Drug Administration, soon all you may need is a pill, RU-486. As long as you swallow RU-486 before your 49th day of pregnancy (and, two days later, its companion pill – Cytotec) your baby will be aborted.
The history of RU-486, as outlined by Rachel Zimmerman in Tuesday's edition of The Wall Street Journal, is rather simple. Roussel Uclaf is the original manufacturer for the abortion pill. In the early 1980s, President George Bush banned its importation to the United States. In 1994, Roussel Uclaf awarded the U.S. patent rights to the Population Council. They were persuaded to do so by pro-death Democratic Party Presidential nominee Al Gore's boss, Bill Clinton. The Population Council, in turn, licensed the marketing, distribution and manufacturing of the drug to Danco. Now the FDA is three weeks away from approving RU-486's use in this country.
In addition to the Clinton Administration's support (without which RU-486 would still effectively be banned from the U.S.), the Population Council and Danco are backed by the foundations of Warren Buffet, George Soros, and the late David Packard. To date, Danco has collected more than $34 million to finance production (probably by a firm in China, whose national pro-abortion policy dictates that women have only one child).
Sarah Clark, director of the Packard Foundation's population program, spoke about the $10 million loan it gave to the project. "It's consistent with our strategy and foundation philosophy that American women should have the full range of options when it comes to their own reproductive health. We don't make loans to anything we don't believe in." Make no mistake, they believe in death for the unborn.
And make no mistake, profit is driving this prescription. Danco projects that RU-486, which it believes is "fundamentally safe" (for the mother, perhaps, but certainly not for her unborn baby), once approved, will dominate the abortion market. Danco says RU-486 will produce $3.7 million in sales during its first three months on the market, and $34.2 million by 2004. Those figures would then account for 53 percent of abortions carried out during the first eight weeks of pregnancy.
Pregnancy, by definition is "the condition of bearing the unborn young within the body." But with RU-486 that condition won't last long. "The drugs," Zimmerman writes, "which typically result in an embryo's expulsion within four to 24 hours, require no anesthesia, and possible side effects appear to be relatively minor ones." Except, of course, for the baby.
Danco has picked Early Option as the brand name under which RU-486 will be marketed. I have been trying to picture the television commercials for this one. I have imagined one that certainly will never been shot.
The opening scene is a tight zoom on a flower pedal. Then with increasing pull-backs, the entire blossom is revealed, then a bouquet. The bouquet is ultimately recognizable as a funeral basket, sitting beside a small, white casket. A sonorous voice-over speaks: "Early Option. The preferred method of family planning for discriminating women around the world, and now available in America. Safe. Reliable. Your first choice to cause the death of your unborn child. At a drug store near you."
Gruesome? Repellent? Indeed. But then so is abortion. Remember, when Susan Smith will be eligible for parole in 2025, Michael and Alex will have been dead for 31 years. RU-486 has the potential to end the lives of millions of unborn children. If that sounds as repulsive to you as it does to me, maybe you'll want to write to your Congressman, the FDA, someone, and urge them, "Don't let this baby killer loose among us."
Published in The Augusta Chronicle 9/9/2000
Copyright 2000 by David Sisler. All Rights Reserved.
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