by David Sisler
Bronislaw Nagurski was born in Ontario, Canada in 1908. He grew up in International Falls, Minnesota and became an All-American tackle and occasional fullback at the University of Minnesota.
In 1930, he joined the Chicago Bears. "Bronko" Nagurski played for 8 seasons, and as a fullback, he earned a reputation as one of football's most unstoppable runners. When the Pro Football Hall of Fame was created, Bronko became a charter member.
After he retired from football, Nagurski returned to International Falls where he operated a gasoline station. A local car dealer, taking a visiting district manager on a tour of the town, drove by Nagurski's station.
"See that guy over there?" he asked. "That's Bronko Nagurski. He owns that station, and he's got the best repeat business in town."
The manager wasn't surprised, since Nagurski was a legend.
"No, that isn't it," the car dealer replied. "It's just that when Bronko screws your gas cap on, nobody else can get it off!"
Today she would be a swinger, a party girl. Not so much different from the high society matron or the ordinary working woman. We've come to accept loose morals. If we don't accept them, we just overlook them. But the Samaritan woman Jesus met at the well outside the town of Sychar was an outcast, because she was a fornicator.
Glamour magazine recently did a story which was very unlike its usual offerings. It was not a "love and lust" story about passion and one-night stands. It was survey of 2000 virgins.
One of the revealing facts of the survey is that most of the women who have refrained from sexual relations have done so because of the fear of contracting AIDS or some other disease, the fear of getting pregnant, to avoid betrayal and rejection, or to save themselves for their future husbands.
A few indicated that the Bible's moral code played a part in their decision. Most did not.
They weren't like a young Christian woman I know. Suzanne has made a total dedication of her life to Jesus Christ. Commenting on her standards, viewed as old-fashioned and out-dated by most, but based on God's Word, she said, "My body was bought by the blood of Jesus. It belongs to Jesus. If any man wants to share my body with Jesus, he'll have to marry me!"
That may have been the original intention of the woman from Sychar. She was married once. In fact, she was married five times. Disappointed, perhaps filled with bitterness, we really don't know why, she gave up on marriage and just moved in with lover number six.
That was too much for the good citizens of Sychar and they turned their backs on her. Women of that day gathered in the cool of the morning to draw water and to talk. She was excluded from that companionship. She came at high noon so no one would see her, so no one would ridicule her.
Jesus was seated by the well when she arrived. After she drew water for Him, His love reached deep into her heart and He offered her a new life. Jesus described it as "living water."
"Sir, give me this water," the woman said. "so I will never be thirsty again."
Jesus loved her like no man had ever loved her before. He loved her with total forgiveness and total acceptance of her new life. The life-style from which she never thought she could escape was removed by His grace.
The man said, "When Bronko screws your gas cap on, nobody else can get it off!" When sin attaches itself to your heart, no one but Jesus can get it off. He's just waiting for you to ask!
Copyright 2002 by David Sisler. All Rights Reserved.
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